Capturing a screen is something that is useful in many cases: if you want to create a tutorial to show how does a piece of software work, report a bug to developers, etc. Windows XP has no native tool allowing you to capture the screen and save it as a file, whereas Windows 7 has an integrated tool capable of such a task but that can't be used to do many screen captures in a short time.
Screen Sniper is an open-source piece of software that will help you to quickly take screenshots: anytime you press the defined hotkey (by default, PrtScr), a screenshot of the screen is taken and placed in the output folder that you typed in the settings. There are only the essential settings: you can change the save folder, the hotkey to take a screenshot, whether to copy it to the clipboard or not, and the output format.
There are a great number of image formats that you can select: BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, and PNG. You can also change the quality for some of these formats if you want to. Unfortunately, this software can't capture a part of the screen; it means it'll always take a screenshot of the whole screen.
Screen Sniper is a great piece of software allowing you to take screenshots and save them in one of the supported formats.